Monday 13 July 2015

Yaguda's Wife Fires Back At New Governor, You Never Recovered 22 Vehicles From Us

Yaguda's Wife Fires Back At New Governor, You Never Recovered 22 Vehicles From Us

One of the four wives of the immediate past Governor of Bauchi State, Abiodun Yaguda has said the new Governor, Mohammed Abubakar and the recovery committee set up by him lied against them that 22 cars were recovered from her and the other immediate past Governor’s wives. Mrs Yaguda lashed out saying, if the Governor knows what he said is true, then he should come out and say it. She also said though she has no power to fight the governor, but she has a God who will judge between them all. Read all she said after the cut.

“Let anyone who said seven cars were taken away from my house come out openly and tell the whole world the truth. I had a jeep, Toyota Camry, which I was not using and a pick up van with me when we were leaving office. These were even old vehicles bought before 2011. On the instruction of my husband, I returned them to the liaison office like my sisters, I mean the other wives, did.

“My Personal Assistant, Esther, had to even go and show them the cars that were bought in 2007 –some which are not even movable — at the government mechanic place. Some cars that were bought in 2007 were being used in my NGO, CYDI office in Bauchi. They were being used to take the three disabled people who are working in m y office to and fro their houses and to carry all activities that have to with people with disability.

“When my husband asked us to return the cars, my PA went to my office in Bauchi and took the cars to Government House in Bauchi. No car was collected from my house. The only government jeep that I ever used was with the government mechanic in Abuja before my husband even left government. By the time my husband left I was already using a Mercedes jeep bought for me by my husband.

“I wonder why they claim seven cars were taken away from my house. I didn’t keep seven cars. If Governor Abubakar had any problem with our husband, why must he drag us, his wives, into it? As a governor’s wife, I was using only one jeep without any backup car. On many occasions I was stranded on the road when the jeep broke down. The Peugeot 406 that was with me as a backup had an accident and up till when my husband left office, no replacement was given to me.

“With every sense of righteousness, I can say that my husband, Isa Yuguda, is an angel. He has been affecting people’s lives positively and never allowed us to take anything from the government. CYDI was not funded by the Bauchi State government throughout the eight years my husband spent in office.

“I don’t need any material gains. I have been helping people since when I was in secondary school and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life. My wealth is the number of the less privileged I touch their lives. So I don’t need Bauchi State government’s property.

“The governor lied against me to tarnish my image and those of my sisters. I am sure that the God Almighty I serve will judge him. He will only escape God’s judgment if those cars were taken away from our houses. What did he really want to gain in tarnishing other people’s image? He ought to know that he will not remain governor for life; he is going to leave the office one day.

“Let the governor and his committee know that power is transient. They are in office today, tomorrow they will be out of office the way we too left office for him. I will advise His Excellency, the new governor, to be praying to God for him to end well instead of tarnishing the image of innocent women. I don’t have any power but I have my God whom I serve and I know this God will judge between me and him,” she said.

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